Friday, August 21, 2015

Medical Clearance

I just received an update from the Medical Applicant Portal.  I have to print out 46 pages of medical clearance forms and have the corresponding physicians assess me as "fit for service" within sixty days of yesterday, or Peace Corps retracts their invitation.  So fifty-nine days, now.  I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed at the moment.  I even worked out an extra 40 minutes last night in order to calm my nerves (As of this morning, I could not lift my arms above my head which is proof that exercise is of Satan).

I know I will get all of this done.  I know it's physically possible.  I know I shouldn't be stressing out.

I also know that I'm the type of person that will look at a list and will try to accomplish everything on said list within 24 hours, however impossible.  My brain has some sick obsession with putting a check mark at the end of every completed task, and will torment me until it can get the satisfaction of doing so.  My brain thinks highlighters and spreadsheets are my best friend.  I think I need an intervention with my brain.

So that's my update for now.  Fingers crossed that all of this plays out perfectly and there are no issues.

UPDATE: As of September 23, 2015, All medical clearance papers have been turned in and are awaiting approval.

Update to the UPDATE: On October 5, 2015, Peace Corps requested that I provide a brief statement of my medical history with my asthma, which is extremely mild, and to provide a follow-up ultrasound for a benign breast lump *my lumps, my lovely lady lumps..* that was identified in March of this year (nothing worrisome, outside of the ultrasound costing more than my life is worth.  These will be completed ASAP.

UPdate to the Update to the UPDATE:  On November 11th, 2015, I underwent a surgery to remove the fibroadanoma from my breast.  Everything went smoothly, and it's healing up nicely.  I attended a follow-up appointment on November 22, 2015 to have the stitches removed.  I submitted the last of my Medical Clearance paperwork on November 23, 2015.

I was officially cleared for service December 1, 2015, with 97 days until departure.  

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